About us

Donald Kalff
Donald Kalff spent most of his professional life as a manager with Royal Dutch Shell and as a member of the Executive Board of KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines. He is a former Senior Fellow of the Wharton School.
In recent years, he (co-)founded biotech companies focusing on antibody discovery and diagnostic tests for tropical diseases. He cofounded four more companies, each dedicated to the improvement of existing, widely used, out-of-patent medicines. Additionally, he has invested and is actively involved in two companies in the field of cyber security. Finally, he is a member of the Board of a Dutch foundation that seeks to improve access to the court system for citizens and small businesses.
Donald Kalff is the author of two books and numerous articles on the governance and management of large enterprises. His work has been published in English, French, German, Russian and Dutch.
Donald Kalff’s website can be visited here

Andrea Renda
Andrea Renda is Senior Research Fellow and Head of Global Governance, Regulation, Innovation and the Digital Economy at CEPS. He currently holds the Chair in Digital innovation at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium).
He is a non-resident fellow at the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University, and a Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Science. His current research interests include regulation and policy evaluation, regulatory governance, private regulation, innovation and competition policies, Internet policy, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. Renda provided academic advice to several institutions, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the OECD, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and several national governments around the world.
Andrea Renda’s website can be visited here

Malorie Schaus
Researcher at CEPS and Coordinator of the Hidden Treasures Project
Malorie Schaus’ website can be visited here